Red bins for the digital world

X — I know Lean started in manufacturing. Why on earth are you trying to use this system in the digital world?

Me — That’s simple enough, because Lean provides a full set of tools to frame the world differently. And Toyota (among others) has shown they can be useful.

— Example?

Red bins, the place where operators put defective parts.

— Why not use a regular scrap bin directly? We’re piling up bad stuff : surely a case of muda.

— Not so fast, we want built-in quality. So you need to make waste visible and to train operators detecting good and bad parts: when a part is put in the red bin, it’s actually an opportunity to check with the team or line manager if the part is indeed not OK.

— Alright. But why not simply have one red bin per plant. Surely it should be enough for highly automated and perfectly functional plants.

— That’s because those plants don’t exist! There’s always some deviation and you want to start your investigation as close as possible to the crime scene both in time and in space. Remember: whenever you have unexpected things happening, you have an opportunity to learn.

— But we’re back in hard stuff zone. I thought we’d be talking about code and developers and digital stuff.

— We’re getting there, we do use red bins in our digital world as well. But first we needed to ask, who’s the operator here.

— It can’t be the computer engineers: surely they should know better!

— Remember we’re trying to project a vision of the world in another universe, so we need to keep an open mind. But if you consider we’re operating a SaaS product, then it’s indeed the server that’s doing the valuable work to the end user, so you can just as well assume the operator is the actual server. And each server has a simple built-in mechanism to identify bad requests : the log file.

— Are you actually considering the log file as a red bin?

— A layer just above it: we filter out lines we’ve found irrelevant over the years. And aim for the lowest number of errors possible, i.e. zero, from there.

— With Pareto tables to manage the overwhelming onslaught of notices and warning.

— Maybe. At the beginning. To clean up the existing mess. What you really want is to be fast at patching: so you really need close interactive loops between developers and sysadmins. This gap is one of the space of the digital world. And one of the insights leading to DevOps by the way.

— You mean DevOps is related to Lean? I thought it was more Agile-like.

— Please don’t make me angry. I was on the XP bandwagon when it lost all its momentum to Scrum, that’s when I first jumped ship actually and scrapped both sprints and retrospectives.

— Sorry, didn’t want to make it personal. Going back to new entries in the log file, are you implying you’re fixing every error as they come in? It surely sounds a hell of a job to me.

— It could also be an entry point to the holy grail of one piece flow, aka sell one, make one.

— With the server creating a ticket in the bug tracker for each error? At our place, they would get a Won’t fix / Didn’t replicate answer 99 times out of 100.

— Here, we know that every time we postpone a fix, we’re faced with two problems : 1/ the original problem of course and 2/ the difficulty of recreating the initial conditions.

X, interrupting — Again we’re back to lead time stuff.

Me, mumbling — Funny how we switched from Jidoka to Just-in-Time. Not quite sure what to make of it though…